The 13th National Games of China

The 13th National Games of China was held in Tianjin, during Aug 27 – Sept 8, 2017. Hong Kong sent a big delegation with 248 athletes to take part in the National Games. A complete medical team and a sport psychologist provided service for Hong Kong athletes during the whole National Games. Hong Kong Delegation won its best achievement in the history of attending the National Games: 2 Gold, 7 Silver, 7 Bronze, 16 Medals in total, from the sports of Cycling, Equestrian, Fencing, Karatedo, and Swimming.
運動心理學家在中國第十三屆全國運動會期間提供服務 中國十運會於2017年8月27日至9月8日在天津舉行。香港派出了一批有248名運動員參加全國運動會的代表團。一個完整的醫療隊和體育心理學家在全運會期間為香港運動員提供服務。香港代表隊在騎自行車,馬術,擊劍,卡拉多和游泳等運動中,在參加全國運動會的歷史上獲得了2項金牌,7枚銀牌,7枚銅牌,7枚銅牌,16枚獎牌。