On behalf of the Hong Kong Society of Sport and Exercise Psychology (HKSSEP), I would like to express a very warm welcome to you all for visiting our page.
HKSSEP is an academic organization governed by professionally- and academically-qualified sport and exercise psychology experts in Hong Kong. All our past and current members consist of full-time university scholars and certified practitioners in the field. The HKSSEP mission is twofold: one, to serve the local community and industry by providing evidence-based sport and exercise psychology knowledge; and two, to facilitate discussions among local professionals to grow and thrive as a profession.
Since our establishment in 2003, we have come a long way. With support from government funding and hard work from our local experts, our achievements at the applied and academic level have been significant. Consistent applied sport psychology training from our practitioners has allowed our athletes to perform at the world-class level, and have, in turn, made a positive impact on the public’s perspective towards the subject. Impactful exercise psychology studies conducted by our academic colleagues have examined psychological well-being and exercise participation across different population groups. Our efforts to provide psychoeducation to the general public have also met with a lot of success in demystifying the stigma around sport psychology services: our public courses provide up-to-date, evidence-based knowledge on the intersection of sport, exercise, and psychology; we also provide platforms for private practitioners and governmental organizations to interact. It is heartwarming to see that our colleagues have been doing everything they can to ensure that the subject is developing in a healthy and professional direction.
Looking ahead, our to-do-list is long. We would like to see HKSSEP establish stronger ties with our international counterparts. Moreover, we aim to develop a better structure that can represent and safeguard the development of professional services for our potential clients. Professional colleagues, I invite you to be part of us. Friends that are interested in the area of sport and exercise psychology, I invite you to pay attention to our events, publications, website and Facebook page. Athletes, coaches, parents, if you are looking for sport and exercise psychology services, we would be happy to introduce and refer you to qualified practitioners within HKSSEP. Students who are looking to pursue a career in this field and want more information, you are welcome to reach us. I look forward to meeting you all at some point.
All the best!
Li Hin Yue, Henry, DPsy
Current President of HKSSEP
本人代表香港運動心理學會 (HKSSEP) 衷心感謝大家瀏覽我們的網頁。
HKSSEP是由香港一群專業的運動及體適能心理學家管理的學術組織。我們所有現任和前任執行委員會成員都是此範疇的全職大學學者、教授和合資格的專業人員,並自願地獻出時間以兼職身份為學會服務。 我們擁有雙重的使命:第一,透過有科學證據的運動及體適能心理學知識去服務本地社群及行業; 第二,促成與本地專業人士之間的討論,以令此專業能在香港茁壯成長。
自 2003 年創會以來,我們確實走過了漫長的道路。在得到政府的資助及學會一班專業人士的努力下,運動及體適能心理學得到重大的成就。本地運動員於近年來能踏上世界舞台,這對公眾和對應用運動心理學培訓的看法產生了積極的影響。同時,體適能心理學學者亦對參與運動與心理健康的關連有著重大發現。此外,我們舉辦的公眾課程得到非常正面的迴響;我們亦希望增進同業之間的交流,提供平台給私人市場、政府機構等運動心理學家交流意見。本人樂見本會同事對學會發展有相同的看法,可讓這個市場有健康的發展從而邁向專業。
展望未來,我們要做的事情還有很多,我希望 HKSSEP 能夠結實地與跨國和國際同業同行,發展一個更良好的結構去守護同業及其客戶。然而,沒有你的參與,我們將無法前行。運動心理學同業們,我誠意邀請你加入成為我們專業一員;對運動及體適能心理學有興趣的朋友,請多留意我們舉辦的公開活動 、宣傳、網頁、Facebook 專頁等;運動員、家長、教練們,如你正尋求運動心理學專業諮詢,歡迎聯絡我們,我們會轉介您到一些合資格的專業從業人員;如你有興趣在運動心理學發展,或想探索有關資料,也歡迎與我們接洽,我們很樂意分享在本地及國際運動心理學教育上的最新情況及資料。我期待與你在運動心理學這旅程上遇見。

Current President of HKSSEP 香港運動心理學會現屆主席