In 2003, former president of HKSSEP Dr. Roy Chan, together with Mr. Chan Chun Kuen, Ms. Cheng, Polina, Prof. Cheung Siu Yin, Dr. Chow Pui Yu, Lina, Dr. Chow Wah, Edward, Dr. Lee Hing Chu, Mr. Poon Wing Keung, Mr. Shum Kim Wai, Raymond, Dr. Si Gangyan, Dr. Tsang Cheuk Kuen, Eric and Mr. Wong Tak Shing founded HKSSEP. Over the years, HKSSEP has been putting in much effort in the promotion and education of the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology to the general public.
The aims of HKSSEP are to:
- establish ourselves as the leading professional group in the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology in HK;
- support and facilitate the application, promotion and research within the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology;
- facilitate and organize conferences and seminars within the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology;
- facilitate communication among the Sport and Exercise Psychology industry, both locally and globally;
- provide knowledge and current news about Sport and Exercise Psychology to our members and the general public, and
- publish journals and newsletters about Sport and Exercise Psychology.
本會於2003年成立時,除了由曾經於香港中文大學 (體育及運動科學系)任職多年、現任浸信會神學院副教授陳展鳴博士出任主席外,還有現任香港浸會大學體育學系教授張小燕博士、香港體育學院運動心理中心主任十多年、現任國際運動心理學會主席姒剛彥博士、前體院運動心理中心另外兩名專家:李慶珠博士和鄭金枝女士,與及早前於教育局工作的周華博士、周佩瑜博士、陳振權先生、沈劍威教授、曾卓權教授以及黃德誠先生。學會更成功邀請了張妙清教授(Fanny M. Cheung, Ph.D.)、鍾建民先生(Chung Kin Man)、李樂詩博士(Rebecca Lee Lok Sze, Ph.D.)及蕭芳芳女士(Siao Fong Fong, MBE)作為名譽贊助人。可見陣容之鼎盛,不乏學術科研及前線應用的翹楚,更有強大的高校及國際網絡。過去十多年,會員申請一直向任何對運動心理學有興趣的人士開放。會員的背景也就相當豐富,除運動心理專家及學生外,還有體育記者、體育老師、運動教練及領隊等。
- 為香港運動心理學同業成立首個專業協會,交流心得;
- 支援和促進運動心理學研究、應用及推廣;
- 籌辦和促進運動心理學專題研討會;
- 促進運動心理學同業及有關人士的溝通;
- 為會員提運動心理學方面相關資訊與;及
- 出版運動心理學刊物。