HKSSEP Fellowship Award Ceremony 2020

Recipient: Dr. Chan Chin Ming, Roy
Dr. Chan Chin Ming, Roy is the recipient of HKSSEP fellowship 2020. Dr. Chan is the founding president of the Hong Kong Society of Sports and Exercise Psychology (HKSSEP). He is a wellknown sport psychology expert from Hong Kong and an accredited Supervisor and Examiner in the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (US).
Dr. Chan received his PhD from the University of North Texas in 1986. It is indeed fair to say that he brought sport psychology into Hong Kong. He served in the faculty of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education in the Chinese University of Hong Kong for 16 years. Apart from his role as an academia, he has always been very keen on teaching and applying sport psychology in frontline service. Way before the establishment of Sport Psychology Centre in Hong Kong Sports Institute, Dr. Chan has been with Hong Kong representatives as their sport psychology consultant. His reputation of his expertise in the local sport worlds is indeed renown in the Hong Kong Sport culture.
In 2003, Dr. Chan committed once again to his passion in frontline service of applied sport psychology and professional development. He left The Chinese University and started the first ever sport psychology consultation business in Hong Kong, named the Peak Anchor Performance Co. Ltd. In the same year, he founded the HKSSEP. Without his dedication, initiative, and well-regarded reputation, ones could hardly able to contact and garnered most, if not all, sport psychology experts in Hong Kong, to share his vision and build the Society
Dr. Chan was the president of HKSSEP from 2003 to 2012. He led the Society to educate the public about sport psychology, start the first ever short course in applied sport psychology to cater the community demand, while at the same time represent the field in Hong Kong to build international connection. He stayed in the Executive Committee till now and contributed a lot in further development of the Society, as well as contributing to establishing the professional standard and safeguarding the integrity of our profession.
With his specific expertise in life coaching and mentoring, many people have benefited from his inspiring and captivating presentations in meetings, presentations, and workshops. He is quite a role model in sport and performance psychology. He is the icon of HKSSEP. We would like to take this opportunity to pay our tribute and confer the first ever HKSSEP fellowship to Dr. Roy Chin Ming Chan.
在2003年,陳博士為其在應用運動心理學上的熱忱及專業/行業發展的構思,他離開中大並創立香港第一所私人執業的運動心理咨詢公司,名為 Peak Anchor Performance Co. Ltd。同年,他創立了香港運動心理學會 (HKSSEP)。如非陳博士的熱誠、魄力及認受性,實在難有其他人可以聚集得了當時全港幾乎所有運動心理專家一起共同建立此學會。
作為生命教練及指導(life coaching and mentoring)的專家,很多朋友都從陳博士的分享、講座及研討會中得到啓發。他的確是香港運動心理學會的代表人物;是一位我輩於運動及表現心理學的學習對象。學會在此衷心向陳展鳴博士致謝及頒授歷來第一位的院士榮銜。
Dr. Chan as the Founding President chairing the HKSSEP Inauguration Ceremony in 2003
香港運動心理學會於2003年成立,陳博士為創會主席Dr. Chan as the academia representing HKSSEP in the Chinese Sport Psychology Conference in 2008
陳博士代表學會出席2008年的華人運動心理學學術研討會Dr. Chan conducting a workshop in language pattern
陳博士的工作坊Dr. Chan in a role play in a HKSSEP house seminar in Sport Hypnosis
陳博士在工作坊的個案試範Dr. Chan teaching in a HKSSEP A1 course in 2019