We are pleased to announce that an A2 course will be held on December 14-15, 2019. The duration of the course – Practical Techniques in Sports Psychology – A2 Course is 12 hours in total.
Please note the following:
- Our courses are divided into three levels: A, B and C (please refer to the leaflet below for all level courses for more information).
- “A2” is the second half of level A.
- All the courses offered by HKSSEP are accredited by the Asia South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (www.aspasp.org/).
- All of our courses are conducted in Cantonese. Participants must be Secondary 3 level or above to attend.
Early bird discount: HKD2,000 (Before November 15, 2019).
Participants can sign up with the following link: goo.gl/Cgy6HX. (Deadline: December 7, 2019).

我們將於2019年12月14-15日開辦 A2 課程!
- 課程為「實用運動心理學技巧A2 課程」,將為期 2日(共12小時)。
- 所有香港運動心理學會課程都受亞洲暨南太平洋運動心理學會(www.aspasp.org/)認可。
- 課程分為 A、B、C 三級(可以參考 www.hkssep.org 課程簡介)。今次課程「A2」,為等級 A 下半部。參加者不須有A1課程證書亦可報讀。
- 成功完成課程的教練可向教練培訓計劃 HKCC 申請12個小時的持續專業發展時數。
早鳥優惠 (11月15日前報名及繳費):HKD2,000
如對是次課程有興趣,可到 https://forms.gle/6htfv7sNtBZtW4Vo7 或海報上的連結報名。截止日期為12月7日。