Happy Chinese New Year! We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone of you a prosperous year of Dog!
Meanwhile, we are very pleased to inform you that our intensive course titled:
‘Sport Psychology Practical Skills Course- Level A1’
will be held on 14th and 15th of April, 2018 (Saturday and Sunday).
To register for our A1 course please refer to the poster below:

本會將於2018年4月14日至15日(星期六、日)舉辦共12小時的 「實用運動心理學技巧A1 課程」 ,如要報名參加,請留意上面海報。
HKSSEP offers courses that are suitable for sport enthusiasts, athletes, coaches, parents and all interested participants. The courses are divided into levels A (A1 & A2), B (B1 & B2) and C (C1 & C2). Please refer to the leaflet below for more details.

香港運動心理學會提供課程供運動員、教練及所有有興趣人士參加,總共分3個等級 A(A1 & A2)、B(B1&B2)、C(C1&C2)。