5th International Sport & Exercise Psychology Seminar

Karen, our Vice-President (Programs & Courses), has been invited as the HK Representative to speak at the 5th International Sport & Exercise Psychology Seminar held in Sarawak, Malaysia in February 2018.  This seminar is endorsed by the Asian South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology.  She shared her experiences in 2 workshops: first, working with local teams and its presenting challenges, and second, her thoughts on opening up her own practice as an applied private practitioner.

我們的副主席(活動及課程 )盧綽蘅小姐十分榮幸被邀請為香港代表,於2018年2月在馬來西亞舉辦的第五屆國際體育與運動心理學研討會上發言。是次研討會得到了亞洲暨南太平洋運動心理學會認同 。 她在是次研討會的兩個工作坊上分享了自己的工作經驗:第一,與本地運動團隊的合作及其挑戰; 第二,關於自己作為應用私人運動心理學家的心路歷程。