Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases

根據世界衛生組織(WHO,2002),超過 3/4 的心血管疾病是由於吸煙、高血壓、高膽固醇,或這些危險因素的組合釀成。冠心病(coronary heart disease)是主要的心血管疾病之一,也是全球的第一號殺手。美國心臟協會(AHA,American Heart Association,1992)把缺乏體力活動(physical inactivity)與吸煙、高血壓和高膽固醇列為冠心病的四大危險因素,其他的危險因素還有肥胖和糖尿病。不過,大部分冠心病的危險因素都能夠透過健康的生活方式來加以改善或排除(Hui,2001)。




  1. American Heart Association (1992). Statement on exercise: benefits and recommendations for physical activity programs for all Americans: a statement for health professionals by the Committee on Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Council on Clinical Cardiology. Circulation, 86, 340-344.

  2. Hui, S. (2001). Health and Physical Activity in Hong Kong - A Review. HK: Hong Kong Sports Development Board.

  3. World Health Organization (2002). World Health Report 2002. Geneva: World Health Organization.

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