Most HTML lists have the form:
<LI> First item in
<LI> Second item in
<LI> Third item in

Ordered Lists <OL>
are actually numbered lists.
For ordered lists, the <LI>
tag inserts a number.
Unordered Lists <UL>
are actually bulleted lists.
For unordered lists, the <LI>
tag inserts a bullet point.
Click here to review how
the following document appears in a Web browser.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Enter the Page Title
The three common types of networking topologies are: <OL>
<LI>Bus <LI>Ring
<LI>Star </OL>
The three common types of networking topologies are: <UL>
<LI>Bus <LI>Ring
<LI>Star </UL>
</BODY> </HTML> |

The following table shows the descriptions for the type
and start attributes of
ordered lists:
Attribute |
Description |
type=A |
Sets markers to uppercase letters |
type=a |
Sets markers to lowercase letters |
type=I |
Sets markers to uppercase Roman numerals |
type=i |
Sets markers to lowercase Roman numerals |
type=1 |
Sets markers to numbers |
start |
Sets beginning value of item markers in the
current list |
Click here to review how
the following document appears in a Web browser.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Enter the Page Title
The three common types of networking topologies are: <OL>
<LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star </OL>
The three common types of networking topologies are: <OL
type=A> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star
The three common types of networking topologies are: <OL
type=a> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star
The three common types of networking topologies are: <OL
type=I> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star
The three common types of networking topologies are: <OL
type=i> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star
The three common types of networking topologies are: <OL
type=1 start=4> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring
<LI>Star </OL>
The three common types of networking topologies are: <OL
type=A start=4> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring
<LI>Star </OL> </BODY>
</HTML> |

Unordered lists may also use disc,
square, and circles
for the type attribute.
Click here to review how
the following document appears in a Web browser.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Enter the Page Title
The three common types of networking topologies are: <UL>
<LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star </UL>
The three common types of networking topologies are: <UL
type=disc> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star
The three common types of networking topologies are: <UL
type=square> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star
The three common types of networking topologies are: <UL
type=circle> <LI>Bus <LI>Ring <LI>Star
</UL> </BODY> </HTML> |

Definition lists allow for two levels of list items
(i.e., the defined term and its definition).
The <DL> and </DL>
tags define the start and finish of a definition list.
The <DT> tag is followed
by the definition term, while the <DD>
tag is followed by the definition.
Click here to review how
the following document appears in a Web browser.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Enter the Page Title
Here</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <DL>
<DT>Bus Network <DD>Computers
on the network are connect to a central cable. <DT>Ring
Network <DD>Computers on the
network are connect in a closed loop. <DT>Star
Network <DD>Computers on the
network are connect to a central computer. </DL>
</BODY> </HTML> |