111111 Introductory HTML Tutorial for HKCEE CIT

This is an introductory HTML tutorial for the HKCEE CIT syllabus. This set of materials is created with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX  and Microsoft FrontPage for improved efficiency and productivity only.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, which is developed based on the SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). More information concerning HTML and SGML can be obtained from the Wide Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


Although HTML documents include the .htm or .html extensions, they are simply ASCII text files, and can be edited by any text editor (e.g., Notepad) or word processor (e.g., Microsoft Word).


HTML uses tags to "mark" certain text with a particular behavior. For the example statement below,

<B>This is bold text</B>

will appear in a Web browser as

This is bold text

The <B>and </B> tags mark the enclosed text (i.e., This is bold text) as bold type.

There are two basic types of HTML Tags: containers and empty tags.

  • Containers have an opening tag (e.g., the <B> tag) and a closing tag (e.g., the </B> tag). Usually, the closing tag has the same keyword as the opening tag, but starts with a back slash '/'.
  • Empty tags consist of a single tag only (e.g., the <BR> tag).


www.wong-sir.com www.tswong.net 師資訓練: 柏立基教育學院 三年全日制英文課程 選修:體育、數學 射藝 射箭、射擊 田徑/長跑 田徑、長跑 拍類運動 羽毛球、壁球、乒乓球、網球 棒類運動 棒球、木球、門球、哥爾夫球、曲棍球、 桌球、壘球 球類運動 籃球、足球、手球、草地滾球、投球、 欖球、保齡球、排球

