Research Results Concerning Stride Length and Stride Frequency


研究了 56 名男性短跑運動員(最佳時間由 10.0 秒至 11.4 秒)後發現:


研究了 23 名女性短跑運動員(最佳時間由 11.0 秒至 12.4 秒)後發現:


研究了 20 名男大學生和 12名 優秀男性大學生運動員後發現:


分兩組研究了 23 名男性短跑運動員(最佳時間由 9.9 秒至 10.4 秒)後發現:


  1. Atwater, A.E. (1981). Kinematic analysis of sprinting. In J. M. Cooper and B. Haven (Eds.), Proceedings of the Biomechanics Symposium, Indiana University, October 26-28, 1980 (p. 309). Ind: The Indiana State Board of Health.

  2. Hoffman, K. (1971). Stature, leg length, and stride frequency. Track Technique, 46, 1463-1469.

  3. Hoffman, K. (1972). Stride length and frequency of female sprinters. Track Technique, 23, 301-318.

  4. Rompotti, K. (1975). A study of stride length in running. In D. Canham and P. Diamond (Eds.). International Track and Field Digest (pp. 249-256). An Arbor, Mich.: Champions on Film.

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最近更新日期(Last Updated):2007-02-03